We Belong to District 1385

Rotary Districts

In Finland we have five Rotary districts which, in addition to Finland, also include Estonia. The governor of our own district D1385 for 2023-2024 is DG Petri Keränen from Oulu.

The governor is supported by the district council, committees and assistant governors from various regions of the district. The clubs propose new governors, and the district’s nomination committee chooses the candidate deemed most suitable from among the governor candidates. The governor-elect is nominated at the Convention of Rotary International.

The district organises several events for the clubs during the Rotary year. The most important of these is the Presidents-Elect Training Seminar (PETS).

The district assembly is usually held in the autumn and the festive district conference in the spring.

The district governor visits all the clubs in his district during his term. The assistant governors visit the clubs in their own regions.

Meeting information

Hotel Santa Claus
Restaurant Gaissa
Korkalonkatu 29

Thursdays at 11.30 a.m - 12.45 p.m.

Upcoming Events

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