

Rotary is a service organisation. We act locally and globally according to our motto Service above Self. Our international humanitarian service is carried out and coordinated by our Rotary Foundation and in cooperation with authorised partners.


Restoration of the Lake Käkijärvi in Kolho on Mänttä-Vilppula completed in October 2023

Aistihuone – Room of Senses – A Co-project with eight Rotary clubs

Mänttä and seven other rotary clubs in Pirkanmaa area together with Tampere Children’s Hospital Support Foundation were collecting funds for innovative equipment in the new sensory room for Children’s hospital, neurological and psychiatric clinic at Tampere University Hospital TAYS in 2017-2019.

The 100 000 Eur collection objective for Aistihuone project was exceeded and donated to the Tampere University Hospital TAYS in the national Rotary Seminar in Tampere 3.2.2019. Link to Aistihuone project (Finnish).

Meeting information

Cafe Alex

on the first Tuesday of the month at 16.30 - 18.00
on the third Tuesday of the month at 16.30 - 18.00

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