Updated spring 2022 Program below:
8.2. Erkki Pasanen: Project presentation Legs for Leggless and general discussion
15.2. Lauri Uusitalo – Home doctor at Leppävirta
22.2. Teppo Ritari: History of Leppävirta Church
1.3. Matti Raatikainen: New municipal brand for Leppävirta
8.3. Sari and Antti Ihalainen: Winter swimming
15.3. Kuopio Rotary Club. Rescue Director Jukka Koponen: Rescue and safety in the North Savo welfare area.
22.3. Sirpa Voutilainen: The effects of the welfare area reform on the municipality
29.3. Liisa Jäntti: Diabetes, national illness
5.4. Folk High School Spring Festival
12.4. Alapiha Kartano: Poetry and songs for Spring
19.4. Sari Ihalainen: In the boots of the Director of Education and Welfare
26.4. Water backpack presentation and local lakes research
3.5. Trip to wicket
8.5. Concert in Leppävirta Church at 15. Opera singer Jyrki Anttila and accompanied by pianist Maija Anttila
17.5. Spring meeting
24.5. Maija Teppana-Hokkanen and Pentti Huopainen: A Feast of Memories – A Walk in History
31.5. Markus Harald: Youth Exchange
7.6. End of season