Who We Are and What We Do

Who We Are

The Meri-Espoo Rotary Club is an active Rotary club located in Espoo, Finland. We have about 50 members and we are meeting in every Tuesday evening at 5.30 pm to listen interesting presentations and to promote doing good locally and in the world.


What We Do

We concentrate on supporting the youth. We help youngsters to participate in the Rotary Youth Exchange Programme. We are sending young people abroad and hosting exchange students visiting Finland. We believe that youth exchange is the best grassroots internationalization and peace education.

As Rotarians, we want to influence current challenges in our society. We are participating in monitoring the state of blue-green algae in the Baltic sea and taking part in the Rowing for the Herring event, which collects funds for the protection of the Baltic Sea. We are also active in supporting the diversity in our environment.

Our club and our members have been active in helping Ukrainian refugees in Finland. We have participated in organizing food help and collecting other support for Ukraine.

Our club supports humanitarian Rotary projects, too. We set a high value on the efforts of the Rotary International in eradicating polio from the world. Rotary has invested a lot of voluntary work and more than 1.2 billion US dollars for this work.

Our Rotary Club has also supported the Shelterbox organization. Shelterbox provides shelter, essential items and technical assistance to help some of the world’s most vulnerable people to recover and rebuild their homes after disaster.


We belong to the International Rotary Organisation

Rotary was established on 23 February 1905 in Chicago. It is an international service and charity organisation. The homestead of Rotary International is Evanston, Illinois. Our motto is Service Above Self. 

Rotary has 1.2 million members in 35,000 clubs in more than 200 countries. Finland is divided into six Rotary districts, one of which includes the Estonian clubs, too. In Finland and Estonia, there are 300 clubs altogether, with more than 10,000 Rotarians.


Meeting information

Original Sokos Hotel Tapiola Garden
Tapionaukio 3
02100 Espoo

Every Tuesday at 17.30 - 19.00

Upcoming Events

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